Monday, October 15, 2007

Term 3 goals evaluation.

Here are my term 3 goals

My first goal is a personal goal my goal is to practice my running I will do this by running once a week I will do this by running around the block I will do this by having a a chart in my diary saying once a week to go for a run because I want to stay fit I will no I have achieved this because I will have lots of goals.

I have sort of achieved this goal i have been doing some running but not every week i also instead of running been playing tennis and touch i think for this goal I could of made it any kind of sport because i have proberbly been playing on the tramp, tennis, rugby, tag and those sort of things more.

My second goal is to look after my belongings because ive been losing my belongings recently such as my poloflece I will do this by making sure every day I will check my desk and chair and I will hopefully not lose anything.

I have achieved this goal i now have a diary so im more orgnized.

My third goal is to read more because I haven’t been reading much. I will achieve it by writing in my dairy every day so I know if I have achieved my goals I will also read for 15 minutes before I go to bed.
Also I will always make sure make sure I always have a book to read.

I havent been recording my work in my dairy but I have changed my bed time so i go to bed at my normal time and then I read for 15 minutes so I have half achieved this goal.

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