Tuesday, July 31, 2007

wanderings of gloabal warming

my wanderings were why Timber is the most enviormentally friendly.
another wandering was why is methane so bad. I wanted know why coal and petrolum is so bad is there a certain thing in petrolum and coal that are bad

wanderings and discovery about gloabal warming

my discoverys were that timber was the most enviromentally friendly but. another discovery was that The greenhouse effect is actually a natural thing. Housing prouducts that use wood and other materials need less energy than fosil feuls that lets out lots of co2 witch will heat the world because of the green house gases.
But the carbon that trees have absorbed from the atmosphere gets stored in the wood. So long as the wood isn't burnt, or allowed to decompose, the carbon will stay in there for many generations.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Team 14
Fendalton School
168 Clyde Rd
Fendalton 8053
New Zealand

24 July 2007

Dear Tania,

My name is Christie and I have just read the book “Unbelievable” and I really enjoy Paul Jennings! The Busker was my favourite story out of the series. I have a few questions for you.

Why is a taxi so important? If you liked someone you wouldn’t say I don’t want to go out with you unless you pay for a taxi. Another question, does money buy happiness? In your case I think it does. Is it that hard to just walk and since you think it is so hard why don’t you just pay for the taxi?

I thought the story was really sad. If you were in the boys’ shoes I think you would of paid for the taxi. You probably have already read the story because you’re one of the characters, but do you know how cool tiny and the busker were? The busker was really selfish but as soon as he won he lotto he became kind and generous and gave everyone to make friends. People didn’t care about him all they cared about was the money.

Tiny was the only one that was loyal to the busker. So Tania just remember money cant buy happiness?

Yours faithfully,


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Term 3 Goals

Here are my term 3 goals

My first goal is a personal goal my goal is to practice my running I will do this by running once a week I will do this by running around the block I will do this by having a a chart in my diary saying once a week to go for a run because I want to stay fit I will no I have achieved this because I will have lots of goals.

My second goal is to look after my belongings because ive been losing my belongings recently such as my poloflece I will do this by making sure every day I will check my desk and chair and I will hopefully not lose anything.

My third goal is to read more because I haven’t been reading much. I will achieve it by writing in my dairy every day so I know if I have achieved my goals I will also read for 15 minutes before I go to bed.
Also I will always make sure make sure I always have a book to read.

Christies term 1 goals

Christie’s term 1 goals

My first goal is a school goal it is to get in the top 15 for cross country I will achieve this goal by going for a run every 2nd day I will achieve this goal by the end of the term.
I have acchieved this goal I did get in the cross country

My second goal is a personal Goal is to have a tidy desk because last year it was really messy. Hopefully I will achieve this goal by the end of the year.

I didn’t acchive this goal but I don’t think I need this as a goal because even tho I have a messy desk I don’t loose any thing

My third goal is to be really confident on the recorder I will achieve this goal by the end of the year because I will be able to play Twinkle twinkle little star.
I have allready achieved this goal and its term 2